“There was something to be said for the right of the people to decide what should be taught in their tax-supported schools, even if what they decided upon was ridiculous.”
“The evidence ranged all the way from the admission of fourteen-year-old Howard Morgan that Scopes had told him about evolution and that it hadn’t hurt him any, to the estimate of a zoologist that life had begun something like six hundred million years ago (an assertion which caused gasps and titters of disbelief from the rustics in the audience).”
“…[Clarence] Darrow declared that his purpose in examining [William Jennings] Bryan was ‘to show up Fundamentalism…to prevent bigots and ignoramuses from controlling the educational system of the United States.’”
With regard to the Scopes-Monkey Trial
From Frederick Lewis Allen’s Only Yesterday, published 1931
From Frederick Lewis Allen’s Only Yesterday, published 1931