Thursday, July 17, 2014

Let’s Give it a Shot

I’m so tired of using the past tense.  Or speaking on a topic in the present when all I know is based on the past.  Sometimes it seems like everything that is interesting and exciting in my life has already happened.  I know that is not the case, but it certainly feels that way.

There are so many conversations to which I can contribute based on things that I experienced years ago; things I can no longer experience.  When my friends talk about a hike, or a bike trip, or a round of golf, I act interested because I am interested.  For the moment I can pretend it doesn’t bother me; it’s not that hard.

But I’m tired of the past tense.  An old man might enjoy speaking of his life as a distant memory never to be seen again, but I am not that old.  I cannot look at things that are five years passed as if they were fifty.  He looks at his past with pride and a sense of normalcy; I look at mine with pride and a strange sense of disconnectedness.

Let’s talk about what’s new and what’s coming.  Let’s look forward.  Let’s embrace what we have what will be.  Let’s give it a shot.

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