Saturday, July 6, 2019

My dad was telling my mom (I was eavesdropping) about a friend’s kids’ recent tribulations and how they freaked out. They’re always freaking out, both of ‘em, according to their mother.

These people, the freakers, are in their 30s; parents to a new batch of freakers.

Admittedly, I used to be a bit of a freaker. I’ve chucked golf clubs, punched things, and thrown tantrums (with or without F Bombs) loud enough to cause their own freak outs. As in, Holy shit I’ve never seen this side of him....ugh.

I don’t have any freak outs left in me, they’ve all been ground down by life. I find myself under-reacting now. Sometimes, a little piece of me welcomes a new batch of shit because I know, I’ll be alright and life will go on. 

Appropriately, I just heard a neighbor, father of two, yell “God-damn-it!” It was slowish, three separate words. Their house is not that close.

I’ve also spent a lot of time alone over the years, and I’ve learned what may be obvious, if there’s no one to hear it, why bother. Freaking out alone, as an adult, really made me feel stupid.


  1. this is super interesting, I was just telling my dad that when the kids were gone for 5 days my mood was so much more level, it was hard to get me riled up. But always being a part of each others emotions (and sometimes feeling responsible as a parent to get it right) makes me have mood swings that are teenager epic. I related to that God Damn It neighbor ha! Gotta channel some of that calm energy...

    1. Wow, someone commented on my blog. I forgot that was even possible. Tdogg good to hear from ya. I don't think you and Tor are freakers anyways. I can't believe the dumb shit I've gotten upset about in my life. And what's even more surprising to me is when adults, especially those much older than you and I , still have freak-out moments. I guess everything is not outgrown.

    2. ha! Maybe I will have to start replying to more of them! DIdnt hear about that murder until you wrote about it and I hunted it down on VT digger... you are a new source now.
