Thursday, February 20, 2020

It's 2020, why can't I opt out of physical mail delivery? Just about every company offers e-delivery (saving lots of money and trees), when are we going to stop the insanity of constantly filling my recycle bins with useless junk? I should be able to go to the post office tomorrow, ID and mail in hand, give them my email address and say, "Send it all there." Ultimately I think it would make sense for every address to have a corresponding government email address, but that's a ways off. For now, I'd be okay with half measures.


  1. We have been fighting Uline at work for years to stop sending (heavy - straight to the recycling bin) catalogues. Every time we order they also put one in THE ORDER, its insanity. We also get sent boxes of apparel catalogues and never use those. ITS ALL ONLINE! You should have to opt IN to those instead of Opt OUT. Our mailman jokes Thursday is always JUNK mail day and the heaviest day of the week.

  2. PS - like your new profile pic :)
