Friday, June 12, 2020

Fooling Myself

You know when you watch a movie or past sporting event, or really anything where you know what's going to happen? And you still can't help but hope it doesn't happen that way? I think that explains my thoughts. 

I saw an Audi at one of the used car dealers in Hinesburg. It's a silver A3 wagon that's probably almost ten years old. I really like hatchbacks and wagons and it's much smaller than any wagon on the market today. And I find myself thinking, What are the chances it's a stick? And I want to go check it out. 

I do the same thing with Zillow. I look at houses and condos, the types of places I could feasibly afford and see myself in. 

For what? Everyone knows how this story ends. 

I had to look it up. It's a 2013, and incredibly it's a 6-speed manual. However it's front wheel drive; not interested.

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