Thursday, February 27, 2014


I like getting coffee.  It is so easy.  Breakfasts are nice, but the crowds, the task of eating a hot breakfast (while it’s still hot) makes for a different experience.  There are too many distractions for me.  Instead I enjoy the quiet simplicity of a coffee shop. 

I enjoy spending an hour or two in slow motion.  I enjoy conversation that isn’t interrupted by the arrival of plates of food.  I enjoy sharing a newspaper and the discussions that ensue.  I enjoy watching and listening as people come and go or sit for hours with laptop and headphones.  I am endlessly entertained and often bewildered by the plethora of coffee orders I hear.  I ask my partner (and former barista herself) what they are, hear stories of her days behind the counter, and learn a thing or two.

Sit, chat, read, listen, look, sip.  All things with which I have little difficulty.

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