Monday, February 22, 2016

Things I Don't Get

Isn't there supposed to be a separation of church and state? What happened to that?

That anyone ever bought trickle-down economics.

How are the advertisements at the end of Car Talk still being read by Click and Clack? Are they old recordings? Did Lumber Liquidators sign up for an eternity of advertising?

How is it that in 2016 only 23 states require sexual education? How’s that denial working out for ya?

How the hell, in a democracy, does Citizens United exist?

If Tom Brady and LeBron James need union support, who doesn't? How is it that I don't know whether LeBron spells his name with a capital B? He does. And why is LeBron playing the violin the first picture that shows on Google images?

Why is showing emotion seen as weakness and bottling them up seen as strength? Why do we admire stoicism in the face of tragedy? Shouldn’t we embrace honest feelings?

How is it that the Major League Baseball All-Star Game still determines home-field advantage in the World Series? Ridiculous.

Why do you care what language someone else speaks?

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