Friday, August 30, 2019

I have a few ideas for societal improvement, allow me to share.

Everyone should work in a restaurant. You've heard this one before, but often it is "everyone should wait tables". I include the kitchen staff because they are putting in work, sweating profusely, without the tips.

Everyone should go without a car for a while. Because my POS Audi regularly acted like Mona-Lisa Saperstein from Parks and Rec, (“Money Pleeeease!!”) I had to park it for a year or more in college. I got a job I could walk to, and lived all seasons on foot.  Actually I don't recommend it. Too much walking in the rain and brutal cold. I realize that I am not alone, or even in the minority in this, but in my case, it added to my bitterness. All it did was teach me that riding the bus takes an hour longer, and although thousands of cars may pass you in the pouring rain, none will be stopping.  

And my main point, everyone should live alone. Not forever, but long enough to learn that if anything needs to get done, it's on you. Knowing that no one else is going to take care of your shit is a very valuable lesson. Want to eat? Make something. Out of clean silverware? Wash some. Need to connect that new TV to the wifi? Do it. 

I'm not saying that we all need to know how to do everything, but we should be aware of what is, and needs to be done. Think of the episode of The Office where Dwight resigns. Only after he's gone does Michael realize how many unseen tasks he had taken on. Dwight is of course a major league suck up, but for the purposes of this post, he is also as self sufficient as anyone. Self sufficiency should lead to an appreciation for all that is done for you. In short, be more like Dwight.

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