Tuesday, March 10, 2020

What would I do?

People ask me what I would do; if I woke up tomorrow, you know, normal.

I tell them that I've thought about it a lot. And I don't have a definitive answer.

But I do have some thoughts.

I don't think I could spend five days a week in a cubicle. At the top of my list would be to try to get back all of the time I've missed. I really don't see how I could focus in a job without it feeling like a tremendous waste of time.

I think that would be my mantra: Do stuff. Don't waste time.

I think I would find a relatively cheap apartment or condo in Burlington because that's where I want to be. And because I don't want to be tied to a job that doesn't do anything for me just to pay the mortgage.

I'd buy a car. New, used, I don't know but I would definitely enjoy the process. The mere possibility of buying and driving a new (to me) car gets me revved up. Too much?

There are so many things that I would have to buy; everything from shoes to bikes to skis. And a kayak. I would have to buy a kayak. Hmm, hope I can afford all of this.

You know what I would enjoy as much as anything else, having a conversation. And meeting new people. And let's face it meeting women, and flirting, and dating, and well, I'll leave that there.

I guess in this scenario I wouldn't need to relearn everything I used to know. If I did, that would take a lot of time.

So I know the question was simpler, as in what would I do? for work. But I can't focus. That seems so unimportant.

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