Thursday, September 5, 2013

What's in a Motto

Everything happens for a reason – This is a pile of garbage.  There isn't a reason for everything that happens in this world.  The words accident, coincidence, random, chance, haphazard, arbitrary, unsystematic, indiscriminate, luck, fluke, happenstance, and a whole lot more should be enough to convince you of this.

Everything will work out for the best – What a load of crap.  Next time you have a big decision to make, no worries, even if you totally blow it, you're all set, it'll turn out great.

God has a plan – I'm not saying there is no God (notice the capital G faithful readers), but the idea that someone is put in a certain situation because he or she can “handle it” or is “strong” and can “make the best of it” or some other ridiculous fate-based bullshit, is insane.

Shit Happens – This is obviously my favorite.  It is a true homage to the randomness of the world (or universe for the science dorks).  It is truth and simplicity.  And although you may think I have a negative outlook, “shit happens” is a great way to look at any common mishap in life.  Using this phrase will reduce stress, though caution must be taken not to overuse; some things should stress you out.


  1. totally agree with above post. I think thats the hard part about ALS our usual go to (unhelpful) comments really don't apply. Honestly if someone said the second one to you about ALS then they don't know what they are talking about. What the hell is "the best" in this situation. F-that. It sucks, balls. Shit Happens for sure. I am just glad we are able to hang out with you as much as we can. Last night was awesome, hope you guys enjoyed the concert!

  2. Love this post, Natty. So true. So you.
