Friday, October 11, 2013


At the urging of my parents, doctors, and girlfriend, I have moved out of my 2nd floor apartment in Waterbury.  It had 15 wooden steps, a cement landing, and laundry in the basement. 

I looked at the apartment, and signed the lease, on Sunday, August 28th, 2011.  The day Irene hit Waterbury with over 6 feet of flood water in some places. 

I was diagnosed with ALS three days later.

My building at 25 N Main, protected by a small rise in the road, did not see any flooding.  To the west, the water reached three or four buildings away.  To the east, it was a bit farther, reaching up past the old Alchemist location at the corner of Elm. 

The flood waters had subsided by the time I moved in that October, but the signs were everywhere.

Two years later Waterbury and I have both changed. 

We're not quite what we used to be, but we're moving forward.


  1. Natty, this post made me teary cause it was so wonderfully written.. You are a phenomenal writer. And I love the last sentence as well :) Glad that you'll be living closer to us..
